No Really, the Change Must Come From Within…


I started Change is Within Books as an outlet for creativity. My job is heavily finance-focused, and I found myself coloring and drawing in my free time. Not only did it keep my mind balanced, but I found it to be an incredible outlet for sharing life lessons in a colorful format.

The two biggest lessons of all:

Joy is the purpose of life… joie de vivre!!                                                                                               And, the life you want is always available to you.

Both of these require us to search within ourselves, not externally.

And thus, Change is Within was born.

The books I create are meant to be delivered as a simple message,  in a simple format. I take common themes from Plato, Socrates, Confucius, Tony Robbins, Paul Velick, Iyanla Vanzant, Thich Nhat Hanh, Abraham Hicks, and many others; applying my own spin, humor, poetry, and artwork to illustrate these messages.

1% from each book sale will be donated to a charity or organization with the same beliefs of self-empowerment, self-esteem and/or self-consciousness. I’m currently searching for the right organization, so if you have ideas, please send me a note through the CONTACT tab.